The entire FPC must be sent to its own mixer to add effects. Unfortunately it does not seem possible to send individual drums from the FPC to their own mixers.If you prefer to adjust the velocity yourself manually, you can turn off the velocity sensitive pads in the midi options by changing where it says velocity and changing this option to none.’ By default the velocity varies each time you hit a pad because they are velocity sensitive. You can also adjust velocity in the piano roll as well by double clicking on a drum note and then turning the velocity switch either up or down. Once your FPC drum pattern is inserted into the playlist, you can alter the drum pattern in the piano roll where drums can be removed, added, or rearranged.These can then be individually panned, layered, and controlled in volume. The preset drums can be easily switched out and you can insert your own by deleting each drum layer so that the pad is empty, and then dragging your own drum sounds or samples into the desired pad. MPD18 comes with hundreds of different preset patterns in 18 different genres.Your external device will now be synced with FL Studio. Note that step 5 and on is not necessary if you choose to only use the presets that come with your drum pad.

Once you are in the FPC application, sync the external drum pad with FL Studio so that when you hit a pad, the same corresponding pad is hit in the software. To do this first click on a square and then tap the same square on the external drum pad.Then right click on a track and scroll down to insert, then select FPC. Insert the FPC application into a blank pattern. To do this, press Shift, F4, enter to create a new pattern.(Note that this step is necessary for every new time that you plug in your drum pad.) Make sure that the enable button is switched on.Once you click on that, your drum pad should now appear in the bottom screen of this drop down menu. Rescan. At the bottom of this menu, it will say rescan midi devices.Once this is connected, open FL studio and press F10. Get it connected. Your drum pad should have come with a basic printer cable to connect to your computers USB port.